1- Do they answer your questions, or lead you in verbal circles?
For most of us, the first thing we do when we’re interested in a product is research online. Very often, the next step is making a phone call to get more clarification on whether the product is right for our individual situation, or if can be customized to become so.
Here's how you’ll be able to spot bad customer service right away:
Your clear questions are met with vague, run-around answers.
If you feel like you can’t get a straight answer, or keep getting passed from person to person, look for a better company.
If they don’t care enough to give you a straight answer, they’re only there to make a buck, not bring value to your life.
2- Do they get back to you promptly, or months later?
There’s nothing more frustrating than taking the initiative to gather information about a product or service, only to get a response.....
weeks later.
Whether it’s a live human finally calling you back after you’ve left a message or email, or a company following up on a specific question you had:
If you’re getting an answer months later, it’s clear your not a huge priority to them.
Head elsewhere.
3- Do they offer warranties or repairs for their products, or just a discount to get you out the door?
These days the most glamorous part of a product is the low price tag. Instant gratification runs the show in America, but who doesn't like to feel like they're saving money?
What businesses don't tell you is that often saving money on the front end means the product was poorly/cheaply made, and will cost you much more on the back end.
If all a business is offering is a super deal up front, they might simply be trying to get you out the door with their mediocre product:
They don't care about seeing you again or maintaining a reputation for quality and service.
The question is, will a product that you need to pay to repair constantly really be a “deal,” even for a discounted price?
If the business offers warranties and free repairs, this means they’re confident their product is well made and won’t be needing that much attention. It may need some, but not much. No one’s going to slap a warranty on something they know is going to break in a couple weeks or need consistent repairs. That’s going to cost them more as a business.
4- Do they try to work with your situation, or immediately emphasize rigid policies?
Everyone is different, so while there is a plethora of products out there, there often still needs to be some customizations. If a business isn’t willing to listen to you and try to get a product as close to what you need as possible, get out of there.
Any good business is focused on bringing value to their customers, and will do everything they can to tailor their products and services to your needs.
They may not always be able to get it perfect- there’s always limitations- but a business with good customer service will at least make an effort and do their best, instead of reading you the list of rigid policies that can’t be broken right off the bat.
5- Do they offer free consultations, or make your information-gathering visits seem intrusive?
Any good business will be eager to meet you in person, whether or not they make a sale to you that day or not.

The golden rule of all great businesses:
Treat people as valuable, whether they buy your products or not.
If you ever contact a company and don’t feel they care about you as a person and bringing value to your life, find a better business to support. Yeah you may be able to get something a little cheaper upfront or an instantly automated response from a computer, but businesses that truly care about their customers are a treasure this world simply can’t do without.
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